
LB-15189 Precipitation Sensor

  • LB-15189 precipitation sensor with tipping bucket acc. to Joss-Tognini. This Lambrecht weighing precipitation sensor meets the demands for classical meteorology and hydrology monitoring. The rain gauge is a very efficient and an economical investment for lifetime monitoring.

    Available in an analogue version with a linearized pulse output for high accuracy and easy connection to external data loggers. User selectable measuring ranges as well as absolute or gliding sum for the analogue output signals makes the LB-15189 a top pick.

    • Best price-performance ratio for application as single unit on external data logger systems as well as part of automatic weather stations
    • High-quality, corrosion-resistant materials for a long outdoor lifetime (> 20 years)
    • High-precision bearings of tipping bucket system for nearly frictionless movements and accurate measuring results
    • High measuring volume for normal and extreme precipitation intensities
    • High operational reliability through safety against overflowing and interruption of the measurement
  • Product Variants Description
    00.15189.002000 Precipitation Sensor
    00.15189.002050 Analogue Precipitation Sensor
    00.15189.202060 Serial Precipitation Sensor

    Data Sheet – LB-15189 Precipitation Sensor

    Data Sheet - LB-15189 Analogue

    Data Sheet – LB-15189 Serial