CAP1264 is a document published by the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) that outlines the performance-based regulation approach for aviation safety standards for landing areas at hospitals. It was introduced to enhance the effectiveness of regulatory activities by focusing more on performance outcomes and risk-based assessments rather than prescriptive compliance.
This approach aims to increase safety levels by encouraging regulated entities to innovate and adopt best practices tailored to their operations while ensuring they meet defined safety outcomes. CAP1264 emphasises a collaborative relationship between the regulator and the aviation industry to promote a safety culture and improve overall safety performance.
To enable a helicopter operator to demonstrate the reliability and precision of the meteorological information provided at a Hospital Helicopter Landing Site, it is recommended that the hospital helicopter landing site operator installs an automated meteorological observing system in accordance with the applicable requirements for meteorological equipment contained in CAA Publication CAP746 (Requirements for meteorological observations at aerodromes).
Skyview is capable of supplying the essential hardware required to comprehensively monitor all of these parameters.
"In all cases, consideration will need to be given as to how weather observations will be transmitted to the flight crew. One option would be to make observations available via an internet-based system, but an appropriate solution applicable to each hospital helicopter landing site should be discussed between the HHLS operator and helicopter operator."
In alignment with CAP 1264's emphasis on performance-based regulation, Skylink-Pro reports on crucial weather parameters, enhancing compliance by providing precise weather data critical for aviation safety. Skylink-Pro assists operators in making informed decisions, and supports a proactive safety culture and risk management process. Skylink-Pro actively reports crucial weather data and parameters to the flight crew and offers alarm features for users ensuring transparency between ATC, hospital staff and helicopter operators. To download the full CAP 1264 publication, click here.
Skylink-pro turns your Skyview-installed weather station data into manageable, reliable information that you can access remotely.
The hardware and software components of your weather station and our Skylink-pro online system have been designed to work together seamlessly in one integrated platform.